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How Enterprise SEO Can Boost Your Website Results?

Have you ever thought if someone searches for your product, whether your website shows in the top searches or not? If not, then what is the major reason behind it. The majority of the businesses either aren\’t aware or don\’t know how to get the most out of their websites. That\’s where Enterprise SEO comes into the picture!!! What is Enterprise SEO? Enterprise SEO is the way of implementing several techniques to improve your visibility and website performance for Search Engine Optimization. Enterprise SEO helps your business to show in the top search results and attract valuable clients with the right marketing techniques. Let\’s discuss some benefits of Enterprise SEO: Once they reach your website, they should make a purchase and hence increase your Return on Investment (ROI) and strengthen their customer base. Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are some of the most effective data tools. These tools will be handy in tracking specific metrics so that you can better optimize your website to get the desired results. Detailed reports (whether it be total conversions, link clicks, or from where your visitors are coming from) can also be compiled to show the data that was tracked.  This will help you to analyze your website and get the maximum out of it. Some of the best Enterprise SEO practices:       Look at their strategies, but at the end of the day, it is your audience. It is your responsibility to make them feel special. Questions like “Who are they?\”, \”What appeals to them?\”, & \”What do they do online?\” helps you a lot to make an authentic Enterprise SEO solution for your target audience. Pro tip: Put yourself in your audience\’s shoes and be authentic. Almost 57% of the audience thinks that hardly any brands are creating authentic content. So, don\’t be on this list!!!! Your keywords can be as short as 2 words or as long as 6 words. Just choose them with a lot of thought and consideration as your website ranking depends on it majorly. The most important part is to make those keywords the focus of your article. Easy steps to consider when searching for the right keyword include: The main point of a keyword is to attract the relevant audience to your website which will help them in getting the answers they are looking for. It helps you to establish an industry expert in their eyes and build credibility. Utilizing On-Page SEO is indispensable to your website. You are optimizing specific pages for better performance. It optimizes content, internal links, meta-tags, alt-tags, and title tags. For Instance, the very first thing a user will notice while clicking on the article is its title. So, make sure to make it readable and stand-out. Brainstorming will surely help you to think out-of-the-box. Try using keywords in your headline in a natural way and as close to the beginning of the title as possible. e.g. if the keyword is \” At Home Weight Training\”. Use it in the headline as: \”At Home Weight Training for Beginners\”. Pro tips to follow: (i) Use simple vocabulary (ii) Inculcate conversational style (iii) Use short paragraph formats (iv) Use short sentences No doubt incorporating these Enterprise SEO practices will create an incredible user experience. Getting organic traffic and qualified leads will become a new normal for you. We, at 77 Million, know exactly how to generate the results your business has always desired. Let\’s get started!!


8 common Mistakes to Avoid When Promoting Your Small Facebook Business Page

Do you like going out? And, listening to this rings the bell in your head and heart- as to what to wear, which jewelry will go with which dress and heels!! How can we forget it? If you are that much conscious of going in front of hundreds of people. Think about 1.13 billion people who see your Facebook business page!! Shouldn\’t you be conscious of that as well? That\’s a huge number. It can either be a deal-maker or a deal-breaker. And, to have an outstanding Facebook Business page, have your Facebook strategies aligned with your goals- just like your heels with the dress. Undoubtedly, it is important to know what are the main features you need to take care of. But, more than that it is equally indispensable to know what not to do. Let\’s discuss the 8 fatal mistakes to avoid when promoting your small Facebook business page: So, broadcasting your products in a sales manner is a BIG NO. Don\’t ever think of that!!! Your genuine behavior and attention will make you stand-out in this space of cut-edge competition. In love with your Comfort Zone:  You might have heard this, “A Comfort Zone is a wonderful place but nothing grows there.\” This applies to your Facebook Business page as well. Experiment with your Facebook marketing strategies. Don\’t go for one single type of content and make your page a ghost town. Instead, experiment with photos, visuals, videos, and a mix of infographics. You never know which content will go viral and proves to be a game-changer for your business!!!! For instance, AgoraPulse allows you to attract more customers to your page and engage them with sweepstakes, customizable quizzes, fan voting contests, and more. Pro Tip: An app called \”BUFFER\” can solve your trickiest problem of what timings are suitable for posting. It will help you to find at what time your followers are most active. Your Facebook Page is your strength. Avoiding these mistakes will help you to make the most out of your Facebook page. Now, you have enough time to interact with your customers and strengthen your relationships.

Digital Marketing

Why is Content Marketing Important? Learn the Importance of Content Marketing for Your Business

Content marketing is a strategic type of marketing that involves the sharing of valuable and relevant content to attract a clearly defined audience. You can engage with your potential customers through this unique approach. Why Content Marketing Is Important? You can build better relationships with your customers through content marketing. The audience expects good-quality content regularly from the brands they are interested in. It is one of the effective methods for enhancing your brand visibility and boosting your sales. It works for building trust amongst your clients. You Can Nurture Your Clients With Online Content: Any interesting relevant and valuable content encourages readers to take the next step. When your content shows up with the right audience, it will attract them towards your brand and services. You can easily establish trust with your audience when you deliver them high-quality content. The more content you create and share with your target audience, the more it makes them understand your products and services. Good Content will bring more traffic to your site: Engaging and effective content such as consistent and relevant blog posts can help you bring more traffic to your site. Good quality content is good for your SEO too. If you publish relevant content, then you might see an increase in website traffic.  One should invest in content marketing to get better results. It is safe and available for everyone and can be used as a major strategy for growing your business.


Why Advertising Is Important in Today’s Economy?

A manufacturer can directly communicate with the customer through advertising. Advertising is an important component of every business. Whenever a new product is introduced in the market, advertising helps to make people aware of it. The advertising industry is made up of companies, advertising agencies, artists, designers, editors, visualizers, researchers, advertising media, brand managers, and many more. Importance of Advertising in Today’s Economy Importance for the Customer: Advertising plays a key role in the life of customers. They are the people who buy the products after spending their valuable money. Advertising makes them aware of the cost and benefits of products and services. Keeping this in mind, people can plan their budget. It also helps them to find the best products for themselves and their family. Advertising is a kind of information service that enables consumers to make the right purchase decision. It includes comparison and proof which reduces the risks of purchasing poor quality products and services. Consumers can also get various other information such as features and source of the product through advertising. In a nutshell,the advertising industry is continuously growing at a great pace. There is huge competition for every company in this global market. Every small or big businessman needs to promote his brand creatively and attractively through advertising. It led to innovations in advertising techniques. The need for advertising is increasing day by day. Advertising has become a profession for a large number of people. This helps to generate employment for many artists, script-writers, painters, etc. Advertising is a major source of income for main communication media such as Newspapers, Television, Radio, Magazines, etc. The effect of advertising has crossed national boundaries. Domestic advertising messages can be transmitted to the world with the help of technology.  So, we can\’t underestimate it at any cost!! Let\’s unleash the untrodden path with 77 Million. What are you waiting for?


Video SEO: 9 Ways to Optimize Your Video for Search

Video SEO is a process of enhancing the ranking of a video in search engines. It helps to increase organic traffic to your website. A good optimization strategy improves the visibility of your content. Here are the 9 ways to optimize your video for search:  Keyword Research:  You should conduct keyword research to find out the topics your audience is interested in. You can easily find a keyword through YouTube itself. Go to the YouTube search box and type a keyword relevant to your topic. YouTube will suggest some popular searches, and that’s how you can find good keywords for your videos. Engaging video title and description play an important role in ranking your videos. Video is a highly reachable medium. Adding video to your site will keep your audience captivated. There are many busy searchers out there who are looking for straight forward information, video provides them an alternative way to consume your content. In a nutshell, video SEO will give you a boost in rankings. Let\’s start it right away!!!


15 Reasons Why Marketing Through Social Media Is a Must for Every Small Business.

Social media has changed the world. In rich countries, almost all young people use social media. Interacting with screens in different ways is a part of everyday behavior for many consumers. In this world of technology, let us highlight the importance of marketing using social media. Brand Visibility: You can encourage your audience to share your content on social media. You can earn shares and engagement in this way. It is about building a community.  Mention your partner brands to earn favors. Social sharing on these platforms can be quite effective for your brand.  Brand Loyalty: You can get a better understanding of how your brand is recognized online through social listening.  Your customers want you to connect with them. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with them. Increasing your traffic: Paid social media advertising is an excellent way of attracting visitors. The content you post to your social media profiles is also an opportunity to bring traffic to your site. Cost-effective: It is cost-effective to run paid ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Even with a small budget, you can promote your brand here. Specific Audience: You can serve your content and post to those who exhibit the same types of behaviors. In this way, you can target a specific and ideal audience. Valuable insights into the audience: Through social listening,  you come to know about what customers are saying about your brand. Their feedback will help you to improve. Brand Authority: By responding to comments on your post, messages, and questions, you can strengthen your relationship with your customers. To establish brand authority, target only the people that make the most sense for your brand. Higher search rankings: Your social media presence is one of the deciding factors in your rankings in search engines.  It’s important to be consistent on your social media channels. Your customers are here: Social Media provides a great opportunity for businesses. You can reach your online audience. Your customers are spending time on these channels is the most important reason to use social media for marketing. Engage with your customers: You can build stronger customer relationships by engaging with your customers. It allows you to directly interact with them and show them how your brand is different from others. Higher Conversion rates: Every piece of content you make, and interaction you have with your customers allows you to convert a lead into a satisfied customer. Boosts Sales: Investing in social media advertising, creating valuable content, working with social media influencers, and turning loyal customers into brand advocates will improve your chances of driving sales. Keep an eye on competition: It’s important to monitor how you’re doing compared to your competitors. Social Media also allows you to see how audiences engage with your competitors. Retargeting: You can set up social media retargeting campaigns. It will help you to capture more sales and build relationships with your customers after they have left the site. Save your time: You can reach your customers in the shortest time through social media. This will save you time and allow you to share content, post, and services with just one click. Marketing through social media platforms has grown rapidly in the past few years. It should be an important component of your marketing strategy.  You should give a social media touch to your business brands. It will make your work process easier and effective.


10 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing plays an important role in the growth of your business in this era of technology. Digital marketing refers to promoting your products and services through digital media and platforms. It utilizes online-based digital technologies for marketing and lets you interact directly with the consumers. Here are 10 reasons why you should be hiring a digital marketing agency: Cost Efficient: To run your business, you need to hire different people for different roles. Hiring a digital marketing agency will save your time and money. You can use that money to grow other aspects of your business. Gain New Insights:  A digital marketing agency will give you various ideas and techniques that will help you to grow your business. You don’t always know the best. You can get new ideas and strategies from experts that will enhance your brand. If you want to promote and grow your business, you need a strong online presence and digital marketing strategies. Digital marketing agencies can successfully manage your digital marketing budget. Outsourcing your digital marketing is a fruitful investment. Don\’t waste your time and get the ball rolling!!

Digital Marketing

10 PPC Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021

PPC is one of the best ways to attract visitors online. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a method of online marketing and a way to buy visits to your site rather than attracting them organically. Here are 10 PPC trends you can’t ignore in 2021: PPC Automation: PPC automation is the use of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and technology to advance your search engine marketing endeavor. and so on. Some key benefits of using Smart Bidding are: Less human error Real-time bidding Less time-intensive More signals Enhanced Targeting: Every customer searches for the best. Nowadays, digital marketers can reach their target audience easily. The ability to add target audiences is one of the newest features from Google Ads which allows you to control whom you want to see your ads. Remarketing: It is a very effective marketing strategy. Remarketing allows marketers to communicate with a specific audience through text ads and display ads. You can track and display ads to viewers once they leave your site. Paid Social Media Advertising: According to a study, the country with the most significant social media growth in 2019-2020 was India. Millions of new users are joining these platforms. In this situation, social media ads are going to be more important. Make sure to take advantage of paid social media advertising. PPC Platforms: It’s necessary to think about alternative PPC platforms in 2021. You can target users based on their activity on the platform. Quora, LinkedIn, AdRoll, Amazon, and Bing are some of the platforms that you can use to diversify your ad spend. 77 Million amalgamates all these PPC trends to make sure to flourish your business. Let\’s get started!!!!


10 Important 2021 SEO Trends You Need to Know

Search engine optimization (SEO) practices help you to increase web traffic. Visibility is directly related to ranking. SEO is a must if you want to rank high on search engines. Here are the 10 trends you need to know in 2021: Helpful, Valuable, and Relevant Content: Google\’s algorithm is somehow related to the user experience. You should focus on satisfying the needs of visitors who visit your website. Invest in User Experience Techniques: Your investment in user experience (UX) techniques is one of the major SEO trends for 2021. User interaction should happen in an accessible way, and you need to focus on making their experience richer and efficient. Mobile SEO: Mobile SEO is one of the important trends. Several people using smartphones and have internet access are continuously growing. Keeping this point in mind, marketers should optimize their settings if they don’t want to lose ranking positions. Influence SEO: Influencer marketing can impact SEO. If an influence marketer supports your brands, it increases the chances of getting natural backlinks for your site. An influencer has millions of followers, and if he/she shares a piece of content around your brand, it gets shared by many people. It will increase the chances of the higher ranking of your web page in search engines. Image Optimization: Images give ideas about the products, services, or provided information. Image search plays an important role in SEO. So if you aren’t optimizing the images, it’s high time to get started. Search Intent: One should aim to serve the information that meets the user’s needs and intentions. Google has introduced the BERT algorithm to analyze search queries, and it will not help any poorly-written websites. Keyword Research: Google has started to focus on zero-click searches. More than 50 percent of searches are zero-click researches. It has become important to give some time to keyword research that can bring traffic and sales to your business. Core Web Vitals: Core Web Vitals is a ranking factor in 2021. It is going to become criteria to appear in Google\’s top search results. These are real-world experience metrics that can quantify the first impression that the page makes on a user. Video Marketing: Video is an alternative way to consume any content. Nowadays, videos are very popular media consumed online. A successful SEO strategy must include a video. Website security: It is something that directly affects your SEO rankings. One should deliver safe results to their users. You should add security features such as specialized plugins to your website. Google always considers the security status of any website which affects the SEO ranking for sure. Metrics and algorithms are constantly changing. It seems difficult to stay on top of SEO rankings. There is a huge competition for digital marketers and various small and big companies in this age of technology. It will require more investment and advanced strategies than ever before to stand out.


6 Reasons Why A Strong Brand Is Important for Your Small Business

A brand is the identity of a product or service. Thousands of products and services are there in the market, but a good brand stands out and gains the loyalty and confidence of the customers. Here are 6 reasons highlighting the importance of a strong brand for your business: Improves Recognition: A company is mostly recognized by its logo. It is said that a logo is a company’s first introduction. Having a logo is an essential component of making your brand successful. The logo makes a strong impression, so choose it wisely. A good logo is going to become familiar with more and more consumers with the growth of your business brand. Helps You to Get Customers: If you have a strong brand, people will love to tell others about it. We can see that people love to tell others about the things they like. A good brand connects with people emotionally or at a personal level. You have to provide a memorable experience to your customers to get word of mouth referrals. It Creates Trust: Good branding will help you to earn the trust of customers in your brand. You have to prove that you have good quality products and services. This will encourage the customers to choose you for their future needs. A happy and satisfied customer can promote your brand on the social level by recommending it to others. Establish Your Unique Identity in The Market: You can set yourself apart from your competitors with a strong and unique brand identity. The first step is to design a logo to differentiate your brand from the other brands in the market. Create an easily recognizable logo that will represent your brand to the public. Connect Deeply with Your Customers: You need to tap into the emotions of the people. This is what most successful brands do. Don’t just promote your product, you need to put some values and emotion into your brand. You can turn many people into your permanent customers if you have the talent to touch the heart of the people. If this talent mixes up with your marketing skills, no one can stop you to take your business to new heights. Easily introduce New Products: A strong brand makes your audience familiar with your products and services. It is the point when you’ve gained the confidence in your customers. Sometimes, it is easy to achieve something, but it’s very difficult to maintain it just like before. Never break the trust of your customer. Only your customers can help you to achieve the heights of success. Conclusion: A strong brand can help you to establish yourself as a leader. If your brand focuses on providing a richer and valuable experience to the customers then it will be very easy for you to gain several lifelong customers. Branding increases the value of a business, and it’s very important for the success of a business of any size.

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